Todd Performing Arts Center (TPAC) at Chesapeake College

Wye Mills, Maryland

New York, New York

20,400 GSF


Convergent Technologies Design Group provided design of audio system electronics with associated supporting infrastructure and room acoustics, design services for the Chesapeake College Todd Performing Arts Center Theatre Sound System in Wye Mills, MD. The theatre has an audience capacity of 904, including 8 integrated ADA seating locations for patrons with special needs. The building offers space for theatre, music and drama events, meetings, luncheon and dinner events, children’s theatre, dram department production and many other special events. We have been asked to include deliverables for a design project commencing with the Schematic Design phase and concluding with Bidding of the installed systems our deliverable excludes Construction Administration. Our basic services scope addressing programmed needs excludes telecommunications cabling systems with associated supporting infrastructure for voice/ data/RF video outlets, visual system electronics with associated supporting infrastructure, paging/public address and intercom systems, access control/video surveillance systems, interior sound isolation, HVAC noise control, and LAN/PBX/Wi-Fi electronics.

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Recovery shell