Federal Government
National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Energy Systems Integration Facility
Aberdeen Proving Grounds
United States Army Medical Research Institute of Chemical Defense
Department of State
National Museum of American Diplomacy
US Army
Advanced Individual Training Barracks
Aberdeen Proving Grounds
USAMRICD -United States Army Medical Research Institute of Chemical Defense
US Army
Advanced Individual Training Barracks
Fort Bragg Bachelor Housing
Fort Eustis Building 705 West Wing Renovation
Special Operations Facility Sustainment Brigade Complex -US Army Corps of Engineers Wilmington District
TRADOC Headquarters & Band Building -Training & Doctrine Command Headquarters & Band Building
US Department of Veteran Affairs, Eastern Colorado Health Care System
Veterans Affairs Medical Center – Replacement Hospital
US Marine Corps
4 BEQ Community Centers
US Department of Agriculture, US Forest Service
Conference Room
US Air Force Academy
Large Vehicle Inspection Station
US Department of Commerce
NIST Building 1 Renovation
Department of State
USDC DOS Diplomacy Center
US Department of Veterans Affairs Roseburg Healthcare System
Mental Health Seismic Replacement, Phase I
US Naval Academy
NAVSTA IBU-25 – Design
Andrews Air Force Base
Strategic Planning & Development Center
Navy Gateways Inns & Suites
Camp Lejeune Applied Instruction Building
NFEC Mid-Atlantic
Bachelor Enlisted Quarters – French Creek & Camp Lejeune
Naval Support Activity Annapolis
Youth Activity Center