Aberdeen Proving Grounds – USAMRICD


Flad & Associates

Aberdeen, Maryland

Construction Cost:

Gross Square Footage:
300,000 square feet

LEED: Silver


The scope for the US Army Medical Research Institute of Chemical Defense (USAMRICD) included the design of audiovisual systems and its associated infrastructure. Project responsibilities included heat load figures, AC power requirements and special grounding and bonding measures for audiovisual systems, as well as signal flows for audiovisual equipment used in public areas and auditoriums, as well as simulation, conference and video conference rooms. Features within these areas include video projection, remote controlled audiovisual systems, program and speech audio reinforcement, videoconferencing systems, as well as baseband and broadband distribution systems. Special design constraints pertaining to end user visibility and lines of sight, such as ceiling heights, furniture layouts, and ceiling shape were considered in the design of the audiovisual systems. The scope of this project commenced at the schematic design phase and construction was scheduled to be complete in December 2010.


Recovery shell