Anne Arundel Community College – Careers Building Renovation

The scope of this project included complete design services for all telecommunications cabling systems with associated infrastructure (including voice/data/RF), audiovisual systems with supporting infrastructure and acoustics, noise and vibration control consulting as it relates to the Careers Building Renovation project. The types of spaces to receive educational technology systems include large and small classrooms, a computer lab, teaching/practice labs, a distance learning lecture hall, a distance learning classroom, and conference rooms. Technology systems were designed to allow for flexible room layouts and to support future classroom upgrades. Project highlights include upgrading additional existing classrooms to include smart classroom technology and designing hybrid classrooms to allow for a lecture hall format as well as a computer lab environment. Project challenges include manipulating the layout of audiovisual presentation systems, specifically projection screen locations, to maximize whiteboard space in all the classrooms and teaching spaces. Additional project responsibilities include the review of building criteria as they apply to acoustics, noise and vibration control for all acoustically sensitive spaces and mechanical systems. This project has been successfully completed since spring 2009.


Architect: Grimm & Parker Architects

Location: Arnold, Maryland
Construction Cost: $22 Million
Gross Square Footage: 85,000 square feet

Recovery shell