Delaware Technical & Community College – Videoconferencing Classrooms

Delaware Technical & Community College is the only community college in Delaware. Through the College’s four campuses they offer academic, technical, continuing education, corporate and community training opportunities to all of Delaware. Convergent Technologies was asked to provide audiovisual/videoconferencing systems design services for existing classrooms on all of the College’s campuses, Stanton, Owens, Terry and Wilmington. The design of these systems required both the review of the College’s existing programmatic requirements and coordination with the facilities, information technology departments and faculty college-wide. Coordination challenges and considerations while planning for the audiovisual systems included ceiling heights, furniture layout, projector line of sight, camera coverage, acoustics, participant audio pickup and AC power requirements. This project has been successfully complete since March 2007.



  • Wilmington, Delaware
  • Stanton, Delaware
  • Georgetown, Delaware
  • Dover, Delaware

Systems Cost: $670,000.00

Recovery shell