Howard Community College – James Clark Jr. Library Renovation Programming
The scope of this project included programming and Schematic Design services for telecommunications cabling systems as they relate to the Library Renovation at Howard Community College. In addition to the library, the building serves the areas of science and technology, information technology, information literacy, outcomes assessment, wellness center, international education office, the Howard County Center of African American Cultural Research Library, as well as faculty and staff offices. Convergent Technologies conducted a conditions assessment and delivered a programming narrative report outlining systems deficiencies. Recommendations for telecommunications equipment, outside plant cabling pathways, and campus interconnectivity were also included in the report. A comprehensive assessment of the College’s Information Technology facilities & telecommunications cabling systems needs, particularly as they relate to the establishment of a standard for optical fiber connection to new and existing buildings was also included in the scope of work. Design responsibilities included considerations for future proofing Information Technology and expanding campus connections. Specifications include procedures and methods for connecting existing campus telecommunications networks and expanding campus infrastructure to incorporate the future growth of outlet counts on the campus as a result of new building projects. The programming for this project has been successfully complete since May 2007.
LOCATION: Columbia, Maryland
ARCHITECT: Murphy & Dittenhafer Architects
ENGINEER: Leach Wallace Associates, Inc.