MCCCD: Scottsdale Community College – Health Sciences Building Renovation
The Health Sciences Building for Scottsdale Community College houses the nursing programs for the campus. The Maricopa County Community College District (MCCCD) offers degrees in Associate in Applied Science in Nursing, a Concurrent Associate Degree Baccalaureate Degree Nursing Program with Northern Arizona University, as well as the partnership program with Arizona State University: RN-BSN Pathway Program. Accessing the 2012 On Call Agreement with the District for Audiovisual Systems Design, MCCCD requested Convergent Technologies to work with selected architectural firm Fucello Architects for this project. Scopes for this project include Audiovisual Systems Electronics with Infrastructure Design. Spaces addressed include a sub-dividable classroom/laboratory, tiered lecture hall, nursing simulation laboratories, a nursing simulation control room and a debrief room. The simulation labs consist of five simulation rooms, two simulation bed locations on the main floor of the Clinical Practice Lab, and two simulation bed locations in alcoves of the Clinical Practice Lab. An additional six simulation bed locations in the Clinical Practice Lab will be provided with infrastructure only to support future simulation station requirements. Each bed location will be provided with a two-way intercom terminating in the Simulation Control Room to enhance the simulation experience. Additionally, within the Clinical Practice Lab, a dual projection system and a monaural audio reinforcement system for presentations and live/recorded nursing simulation viewing will be provided. This project is anticipated to be complete for Fall 2014 classes.
Architect: DLW Architects
Location: Scottsdale, Arizona
Construction Cost: $3.2 Million
Project Size: 15,706 gsf