Solid Rock Foundation – Teen Recreation Center

The vision of rock star Alice Cooper and youth pastor Chuck Savale, The Solid Rock Foundation, a 501 (c) (3) non-profit, plans to enrich the lives of at-risk Valley youth. The Center will be a space where young adults can be creative, educated, active and safe. Spaces will include a recording studio and sound room, a concert hall, and a coffee house with a stage for performers. The scope for this project includes the design for audiovisual systems and electronics with associated supporting infrastructure, as well as room acoustics, and interior sound isolation. Convergent Technologies Design Group developed schematic designs for the facility’s main performance space, two (2) control rooms, audio recording studio, audio origination/isolation room, basketball court, game room, and conference room audiovisual system electronics and infrastructure. Recommendations were made on reverberation time calculations and speech intelligibility where vocal communication was important. Room shaping for the spaces was also evaluated to determine adequate reflected sound levels and the control of flutter and delayed echoes from side and rear wall surfaces. Additionally, noise levels from fans and air handler units were calculated and compared to the design criteria with further recommendations for sound attenuators and acoustical duct lining. Funded by the Alice Cooper/GANEM Desert Jewel Golf Tournament and his annual ‘Christmas Pudding’ concerts, the center hopes to break ground in 2011.


Architect: Gould Evans

Location: Tempe, Arizona

Construction Cost: $7.3 Million

Project Size: 31,000 gsf


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