Towson University – College of Liberal Arts Building
The scope of this project includes a $5,000,000 design to budget for educational technology systems to include classroom audiovisual presentation systems, telecommunications cabling systems (voice, data, RF Video), common area hallway displays, and acoustics, noise & vibration control. The types of spaces to receive educational technology systems include: English Language Center, mediated classrooms, computer laboratories, lecture halls, clinical assessment training rooms, observation/interview rooms, faculty offices, and conference rooms. The theme echoed from the Dean of the College on through the faculty involved with the design process was that the technology systems would compliment the pedagogy which together would drive the architectural design of the new building. Project scope includes the design of a new Satellite Central Utility Building (SCUB), the replacement, relocation and upgrade of campus utility infrastructure required to support this new marquis building, and a new utilities corridor that includes telecommunications service between key parts of the main academic campus. Additional design responsibilities include the review of educational criteria as they apply to the application of building wide acoustics, noise and vibration for all acoustically sensitive spaces. Key to the success of educational spaces will be the challenge of developing acoustical criteria for HVAC equipment noise levels and sound isolation, and recommendations for room layout, shaping, and acoustical finishes for this large building. Project opportunities include the establishment of campus standards for classroom instructional technologies accomplished via technology systems programming and inclusive of detailed per space cost estimating for all educational technology systems. This project is a six-year, multi-phase design effort with final construction completed in summer 2011.
- Burt, Hill – Washington D.C.
- Ziger/Snead Architects – Baltimore, Maryland
- English
- Modern Languages
- Philosophy/Religious Studies Sociology
- Anthropology
- Criminal Justice
- History
- Geography
- Environmental Planning
- Political Science
- Psychology
- Interdisciplinary Studies
- Gerontology
- Women’s Studies
Location: Towson, Maryland
Construction Cost: $95 Million
Gross Square Footage: 250,000 square feet