Yavapai Library Network – Prescott Valley Library
Yavapai Library Network
Richard + Bauer
Phoenix, Arizona
Construction Cost:
$14.6 Million
Project Size:
50,000 gsf
The scope of this project includes a $300,000 dollar design to budget for educational technology systems to include observation & recording, digital audio/video capture with streaming capabilities to the UA Local Area Network (LAN), audiovisual presentation and recording, program/speech audio reinforcement, and custom instructor’s stations. The types of spaces to receive educational technology systems include: a 60-seat classroom, 80-seat classroom, 150-seat classroom, computer lab, student lounge, Institute for Children, Youth, and Families observation suite, conference room, laboratory research center, and executive boardroom. Project responsibilities also included the development of acoustical criteria for room adjacencies, HVAC equipment noise levels, sound isolation, and interior room acoustics for all acoustically sensitive spaces throughout the facility. Project highlights included the opportunity to continue a working relationship with the University of Arizona and SmithGroup after the successful completion of past projects. This project has been successfully complete since August 2008.