Evonik Industries- Office Renovation

Evonik Industries has elected to renovate the Chesterfield, Virginia office location to reflect a contemporary, collaborative type of work environment. It is considered critical that the renovated spaces perform acoustically to support group collaboration as well as privacy at individual workstations, and sound isolation from adjacent laboratory spaces. Convergent Technologies Design Group, Inc. (CTDG) has been asked to provide room acoustics, interior sound isolation, and HVAC noise control design services for the Evonik Industries Chesterfield, Virginia Office Renovation. CTDG will recommend room reverberation times and recommended noise criterion levels for the following spaces: Open Plan Offices, Enclosed Offices, Meeting Rooms, Huddle Spaces, Conference Rooms, Town Hall, Lunch Room, Video Conference Rooms, Team Rooms, Laboratory Spaces and Multipurpose Rooms. This project is currently in the Design Development phase.

Architect: Worley Associates
Location: Chesterfield, Virginia
Project Size: 34,000 GSF

Recovery shell