Magnet Housing – Acoustics, Noise & Vibration Control Design Consulting

Conceived to address Fairfax County’s workforce needs and to assist residents in achieving economic self-sufficiency, the Magnet Housing Program provides short-term, affordable housing to local residents who are enrolled in an employer-sponsored training program and who will likely succeed if given some additional supports, such as affordable housing. The basis for the program is very similar to the Magnet School concept where students are enrolled based on interest and ability. Convergent Technologies provided acoustical analysis for a 30-unit residence and Training Center. Responsibilities included analyzing the noise impact of the adjacent roads to the South and the East as they pertained to the building envelope. Acoustical experts examined the site conditions and performed acoustical measurements to determine traffic noise levels during daytime hours. The expected maximum interior noise levels were then calculated for the residential units facing the road using both the traffic noise levels and the calculated Composite Sound Transmission Class (CSTC) rating, and recommendations made to mitigate excessive disturbance.

Grimm + Parker Architects
Location: Fairfax, Virginia
Project Budget: $5 Million
Project Size: 25,000 gsf

Recovery shell