Montgomery County – Multi-Agency Service Park
The purpose of this project is to provide economic opportunities for the future growth of the Montgomery County, provide room for the implementation of the Shady Grove Sector Plan, and provide a replacement for the aging facilities. The Montgomery County Multi-Agency Service Park is composed of a number of facilities including: Main Building, Vehicle Bays Building, Horticulture Building, Montgomery County Public School, and the Public Safety Training Academy. CTDG’s scope of this project includes complete design services for telecommunications cabling systems with associated supporting infrastructure for voice/data/RF video outlets, audiovisual system electronics with associated supporting infrastructure, access control/video surveillance systems, room acoustics, HVAC noise control design services for the Montgomery County (MC) Multi-Agency Service Park to be located in Rockville, Maryland. The spaces to receive technology systems design include: training room, lobby, firing range, gymnasium, defense tactics room, aerobics/ free weights room, multipurpose room, leader command room, video room, fourteen classrooms, ALS library, and a fire stimulation and storage room. This project is scheduled to be completed in 2016.
LOCATION: Montgomery County, Maryland
ARCHITECT: Baker and Associates