National Aquarium in Baltimore – Atlantic Seashores

Design Collective, Inc.

Baltimore, MD[/col3]


The National Aquarium in Baltimore’s Inner Harbor houses more than 17,000 animals, including 660 species of fish, birds, amphibians, reptiles, and mammals along with multiple educational displays. The Aquarium is building another educational display for its 1.5 annual visitors: the new Atlantic Seashores Exhibit, on the third floor of its Pier 3 building. Convergent Technologies will provide design services for audiovisual system electronics with associated supporting infrastructure. Convergent also will evaluate the exhibit’s overall designs, including ceiling shape/heights and furniture layout, for criteria pertaining to sightlines and projection-system configurations and associated infrastructure. Convergent’s work on the project’s consecutive flow of video displays will help create the exhibit’s virtual “Walk Along the Beach.” Correspondingly, the background audio system will be spatially zoned according to the exhibit’s visual flow – to reinforce the immersion experience of strolling along the seashore. The exhibit’s construction is slated to begin early January 2014.


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