University of MD, Biopark – Genomic Research 5th & 6th Floors

The Institute for Genome Sciences is part of the University of Maryland School of Medicine and is located on the 5th and 6th floors of 801 W. Baltimore Street, BioPark Building No. 2. The Institute’s mission is to facilitate discoveries in genomics and bioinformatics, to accelerate the translation of these new discoveries to improve healthcare and to enhance the training and education of future generations of scientists in genomic science. Convergent Technologies provided design services for telecommunications cabling systems infrastructure and acoustics, noise & vibration control as it relates to the renovation of the fifth and sixth floors of the building for the Institute. The seven story building includes: laboratories, offices, and conference rooms. Project highlights include the design of conference room acoustics, and interior sound isolation for noisy laboratory equipment. This renovation project was completed in the spring of 2008.


Architect: Gaudreau, Inc.

Location: Baltimore, Maryland

Recovery shell