Virginia Commonwealth University – Academic Learning Commons

Scope of work for the New General Classroom Building on the Monroe Park Campus at Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU) includes complete infrastructure design services for telecommunications (voice/data) cabling systems, security systems, and audiovisual systems, as well as acoustics, noise & vibration control. The L-shaped, 4-story building will serve as a major classroom facility including lecture and ancillary support space for the University and house the English Department and School of Social Work.  Spaces to receive educational technology systems include: formal and informal collaborative spaces; one 400-seat lecture hall; one 200-seat tiered classroom; three 150-seat tiered classrooms; five 80-seat tiered and flexible flat floor classrooms; two 300-seat large seminar rooms; six mid-size classrooms (80-100 person each); six small classrooms (40-50 person each); and ten break-out rooms (15-25 person each). The building is currently under construction and is expected to be completed in the spring of 2011. This project was awarded LEED GOLD certification in July 2014.
Architect: BCWH Architects; KSS Architects
Location: Richmond, Virginia
Construction Cost: $31.8 Million
Project Size: 102,000 gsf
Recovery shell