Al’s Sporting Goods Shooting Range – Bridgerland Square

This acoustical review planning project focused on minimizing the acoustical impact of a facility with proximity to neighboring businesses. Convergent Technologies and Action Target have collaborated on several firing range projects to ensure that the acoustical impact of firearm discharge noise does not negatively impact facility operations or occupancy of nearby areas. Convergent Technologies was asked to provide Noise Mitigation Analysis services for the proposed firing range to be housed in the Bridgerland Square, Al’s Sporting Goods, facility is located in Logan, UT. The focus of this analysis was to assess the transmission of firearm discharge noise from the multiple firing ranges into other occupied areas of the building, which include a Sporting Goods store, a Grocer, and several office spaces. Noise transmission modeling was also conducted for transmission of sound to the building exterior and nearby buildings. The analysis addressed proposed interior and exterior wall construction, interior finishes, and floor assemblies. Recommended modifications included the use of floating floor assemblies, as well as the integration of acoustical vibration isolation components into partitions which also featured steel baffles and other safety features to allow for improved acoustical performance.

LOCATION: Logan, Utah

ARCHITECT:Action Target Inc.

Recovery shell